Property Services

We believe in the power of community.
For centuries, community has brought humans together, and kept us together. This idea is not lost on us.
We want to make an impact beyond our business, that lasts forever. This is a part of our culture and our commitment as a company. Our founder, Carmela, believes it's important to put others first. Especially those less fortunate than ourselves.
The Neighbourhood currently supports Education CHANCES Foundation. Going forward, we promise to commit $1 a month from every property that we manage towards a CHANCES scholarship. This won't impact our customers but we ask that you join us in our journet, Click here to show your support.
The education CHANCES Foundation providing a hand up, not a hand out.
Their Purpose is
Their Mission is
Since its inception in 2007, their Scholarship Program has made a significant contribution to our local community, with more than 1,200 scholarships granted to young people who live or study within the City of Boroondara. Remarkably, 99% of their recipients have completed a degree or a vocational qualification.
In the longer term, the Education CHANCES Foundation sets young people up for life with their potential for meaningful work, continue learning, and career advancement, which in turn benefit their own children and society as a whole.
There are no other organisations in Boroondara that provide the holistic service that Education CHANCES provides for its recipients.
View their latest report from Think Impact here.
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